ELCIA Tech-Hub

Our Benefits

Membership Benefits

At ELCIA Tech Hub, we believe that collaboration is the key to success. That’s why we offer a range of membership benefits to help you grow your business and connect with like-minded professionals in the industry. 

Access to Common Facility Centre – Members get access to our state-of-the-art common facility centre, which includes equipment for prototyping, manufacturing, and design. This includes 3D printers, CNC machines, sheet metal fabrication tools, and more. 

Networking Opportunities – Members are invited to attend exclusive networking events and industry conferences, where they can connect with other professionals in the field and share insights and ideas. 

Expert Consultation – Our team of experts is always available to provide guidance and advice on your projects. Whether you need help with prototyping, manufacturing, or design, we can provide the expertise you need to succeed

Discounts on Services – Members receive discounted rates on all of our services, including prototyping, manufacturing, and design consultancy.

Thought Leadership – As a member of ELCIA Tech Hub, you’ll be part of a community of thought leaders in the industry. We regularly host talks and events on emerging technologies and industry trends, giving our members a competitive edge in the market. 

Priority Access – Members receive priority access to our facilities and services, ensuring that your projects are always on track and on time. 

Join Our Community

Become a member of ELCIA Tech Hub today and start taking advantage of these exclusive benefits. Join a community of like-minded professionals who are dedicated to innovation and collaboration in the electronics and mechanical components industry. 

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